"Having a paparazzo following you with other people is really cool! I think it is cool because it would feel like you were famous having a person taking pictures of you and your surroundings. It would also be nice because you would be in the pictures and not taking them. Not many people can take hundreds of pictures in two days with cameras."

Meriden, CT
From Jaelin H.
"I always thought that only celebrities would have paparazzos. I would have never guessed a teacher would have had one, especially in another country. How fun was the paparazzo?
Jaelin H. Thomas Edison Middle School Meriden, CT

Hi Mia & Jaelin!
At first, it was cool, in a way. But when I was looking at the actual cranes Sadako folded, I was feeling very emotional, and the photographer was about a foot away from my left ear watching me and taking photos. It freaked me out a little bit - made me feel like my privacy was being invaded. Besides, at that point, I had no idea why he was following our group

There are people on this trip with fancy cameras who take pictures of EVERYTHING! I'm certain they are taking 3-400 a day, especially since on some days I've taken close to 150, and they have taken many more than I have! Soon I will post some of my favorite photos. We are so busy it is hard to keep up with this blog!
Ms. F.
how did it feel to sleep in such a small room? When you came out of the hotel was that guy there that took so many pictures of you?
From John B.
You must have felt like a big time movie star, I would have. IT had to have been cool. I can see how it could get annoying though, getting followed around and having a camera in your face all day. Did you feel like a movie star?
John B. Thomas Edison Middle School Meriden, CT
If I were being followed by papparazzo I feel like a the president going to a meeting. How did you feel.
Ricky R, Thomas Edison Middle School
Araly E.
Hi Ms Fiorillo!!! Were you annoyed about the Papparazzo following you? If I was in Japan with you I will be annoyed. I like Papparazzo`s, but they get so annoying if they follow you for two days. Also taking pictures for everything you do or even go. I wonder if the Paparazzo got tired of following the same people. Did the Paparazzo folowed someone else when you were going walking around Japan?
Araly E.
Thomas Edison Middle School
Meriden, CT
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