Friday, October 24, 2008

From Mrs. Teal's Class

"Ms. Fiorillo why do the paparazzo follow you around? I don't understand because you are not models, you are just people. Also, in Japan do they mostly talk Japanese or do they talk English? Mark K. Thomas Edison Middle School Meriden, CT "

You are right, Mark, we ARE just people - but so are models! Actually, in a way, we were treated like rock stars here. The photographer followed us around for two days because we were visiting the Atomic Bomb Dome, the Children's Peace Memorial, and other monuments in Peace Memorial Park. We felt a little bit like celebrities, especially when we visited elementary schools and the children crowded around us, gave us gifts, and gave us all high-fives. We also met a man named Jeremy, who is an American who has lived here for almost six years. He told us that just being a foreigner makes us a bit of a celebrity here - and the treatment we were getting could become addicting! When we got all the cheering from the students that was understandable, but just having one photographer hanging around snapping photos constantly was very annoying and invasive. I can only imagine how real stars must feel!!

Ms F.
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Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Fiorllo,
If you thought about what language you could learn, japanese or english. Which one would you think be easier and why?

Anonymous said...

I have a few questions to ask.The first question is how do you feel to be followed around by a popparatzo. Another question I have is how do you feel in a small hotel room and do you have enough room to fit all your stuff. My last question is what was your favorite thing in Japan and how did you feel about it.
Jason C Thomas Edison Middle School

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms.Fiorillo,
I just love the way you tell the people on the internet about your adventures and experience. I also like the videos you have sent to America on your visit to Japan. I can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

Mark is in my all class. When you went to memorial park and saw the children hang the cranes, how did you feel when you saw that? Did you see them make the cranes or did you just see them hang them? Did you like when the papparazzo followed you? How did you feel when that happened?

Anonymous said...

My first question is would you like your room bigger or would you like to keep it small as it is? My next question is What are the teachers from the other schools like, and do they live in the same hotel as you so you don't have to find them or do you meet at a specific spot? My last question is about the popparatzi. What is it like to be followed around all day and night taking pictures?
From Jason C. Thomas Edison
P.S. I am in mark's class.