Friday, October 24, 2008

Making Okonomiyaki

Originally uploaded by littleflowers
Not sure how to spell it, but I know how to make it now! Yummy! I can't seem to load my video, but here is a link to directions:


Anonymous said...

From Khristian,
Ms. Fiorillo I thought that okonomyake looked very tasty. I would like to visit Hiroshima and Tokoyo and I would probably want to try the different kinds of raw fish and definitely okonomyake. Well, I will keep looking at the blog for updates.
Khristian R. Thomas Edison Middle School Meriden, CT

Anonymous said...

From John B.

I have a question, what is it? If it isn't seafood I will try it. I hope I can eat it one day.

John B. Thomas Edison Middle School Meriden, CT

Anonymous said...

dear ms. Firollo did you get to put or hang the one of the cranes up and did you get to see the cranes get put up and how many cranes were put up when you saw it or if you saw it plus is the wheel big and does it change colors each night or does it stay the same color for a couple of nights one more question is, is the wheel big, small, normal, large or huge.
By isaiah Colon Mrs.teals class Thomas Eddison Middle School ^ grade Team 6-2.

Anonymous said...

From, Kaitlyn D
I loved watching what kids did in Japan in school. I saw, and loved how they brushed their teeth in school! Why do they do it at and not at home? That amazed me! I also found interesting that the first graders carried huge backpacks. Thats bigger was mine! If that was a first graders backpack, whats a fifth grders backpack?,it must be huge! It's unique how they would wear inside shoes for school and outside shoes for school. Why do they have inside and outside shoes? I really liked seeing all of the videos and reading all that information.
Thomas Edison Middle School Meriden CT.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Fiorillo,

Making a Okonomyake seems so good and I bet if I made it I wouldn't make it that delicious! Also, what kinds of food do you eat over there in Japan? Do you eat the same foods from over here in Connecticut? Write back!

Sincerely Ashley P,
Meriden Ct, 06451
Thomas Edison middle school

Anonymous said...

From Kelsey,
When saw how the Japense man was making the Okonomiyaki. It was facsinating by the way he added layers to the Okonomiyaki. I loved the part were he put the pork ontop of the cabbage because I love pork. It was also interesting in how he used a different type of stove that we normaly use here. You guys had such respect because eyou had to take off your shoes whe you entered in to the room. Okonomiyaki sounds delisous. You have inspired me to make one for my whole Family. I thing it will be a fun experence.
Kelsey B.Thomas Edison Middle School Meriden, CT